This is a Bible Correspondence Course designed to walk you through some basics and help you have a better understanding of God and His Scripture.  It has been edited and updated in order to teach you basic principles.  The update is re-edited out of love for the people.  We hope you find it useful.

happyfac.jpg (790 bytes)LESSON 1     Why Study the Bible in the Internet Age?     
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 2     The Warning Message, What it Means          
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 3     The Promise that Jesus Christ Will Return
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 4     The Wonderful World Ahead of Us
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 5     Just What is Man?   Immortal?
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 6     What is Hell...Really?    Lessons about Hell
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 7     Will You Go to Heaven?   Will Anyone?
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 8     What Does it Mean to Be Born Again?   
happyfac.jpg (790 bytes)LESSON 9     What is Real Repentance?         
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 10   Should You be Baptized?                 
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 11   Why do you Need the Holy Spirit?       
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 12    Christianity is a way of Life.  Is it for You?
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 13    Who & What is God?
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 14    Angels.   What are Angels?  Do They Have a Job?
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 15    Why is Man Different from Any other Living Creature?                  
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 16    Why Does the Bible Talk about Israel so Much?  Chosen People?
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 17    The Simple Truth About the Old and New Covenant   
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 18    Do You Know What the True Gospel Is?  
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 19    What and Why the Church of God?         
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 20    A Training Ground for Ruler-ship
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 21    Is This the Only Day of  Salvation?  Are there Other?
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 22    What Is God’s Purpose for Mankind?      
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 23    Why Christians Should Keep God's Holy Days
happyfac.jpeg (464 bytes)LESSON 24    The Truth About God's Holy Sabbath        


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