Ministry & VTRecipientsCC:
Carl McNairDate:
Weekly Update
Greetings Everyone:
I thank all of you for the cards and e-mails of sympathy and support following my accident. It seems to be healing very well. I no longer need to wear the "sling" to support it. Dr. Hadden Pace has given me treatments that have helped to relieve some of the discomfort. He determined that I had dislocated my shoulder and did other damage to the arm by the fall. Much of the pain I suffered resulted to this part of the injury. Anyway, Im all better now. I especially appreciated an e-mail card from the Ocean Springs, MS brethren. The gist of the message seemed to be that there is a better way to get a few days off .
Reports filtering back from Summer Camp in Upper Michigan are very exciting. It sounds like the program is very good this year, and everything is going smoothly.
Dr. Meredith is to go back to the Camp next week and will speak at Sabbath service there (August 7th). He is looking forward to meeting with Campers and Staffand brethren from the surrounding area who may drop in for services.
Mr. Bruce Tyler is visiting in New Zealand presently. Mr. Tyler reports that the New Zealand office has sent out 1923 pieces of mail the first six months of this yearup 12.5% over the same period in 1998, probably representing responses generated by Triangle TV.
Also from Australia, Mr. Tyler reports: A senior Lutheran leader has suggested that a ground-breaking agreement between the Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church may lead to eucharistic sharing between Lutherans and Catholics. The agreement could serve as a "theological basis" to bring together what was "broken apart at the time of the reformation."
So, movement to recover the "daughters" seems to be coming right along.
KENYA: Mr. Ernest Owino, (Elder) reports that there were 51 in attendance at Ndhiwa (plus 2 visitors from another fellowship) last Sabbath. More growth appears to be imminent.
KENYA: Mr. Ernest Owino requests that we continue to pray for his wife. Her heart condition remains serious.
NEW YORK: Mr. Don Contardi is now home in Rochester NY. He reports that he is "now in his fifth week of therapy, and though there has been gradual overall improvement, nothing dramatic as yet." He has received a huge number of cards from brethren in many Church of God fellowships. Many individuals and congregations are fasting and praying for Don.
NEW YORK, NY: Mr. Roger Allgeyer reports that Edgar Rivera is doing well. While Edgar is improving, he still has problems. He has received cards from all over the world, and really appreciates them.
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA: Mrs. Margaret Adairs mother took a bad fall several weeks ago and broke her hipand possibly her jaw. She is 95 years of age! Mrs. Adair and her mother will appreciate your prayers.
Mr. Don Davis reports that due to a computer glitch the Clean Suites in Tucson, Arizona, had to re-issue confirmation numbers for reservations with them. If you have made a reservation with them, please note:
"The number you had up to ten days ago is no longer valid. They were able to retain rooms and arrival dates in their system. You should reconfirm your reservation by providing the clerk your name, date of arrival and departure. They will re-issue you a confirmation number over the phone."
TO THE MINISTRY: All of the speaking assignments for the Feast have been mailed. There may yet be some changesbut if you are affected you will receive a revised schedule. IF YOU HAVE ANY CHANGES REGARDING YOUR FESTIVAL ATTENDANCE, please advise us right away. You may either call Mr. Davis at (858) 673-7470, or contact him by e-mail:
I will leave you with the following, which I received from one of you:
A mother had been teaching her three year old daughter the Lords Prayer. After several evenings at bedtime she soloed. The mother listened with pride as she carefully enunciated each word, right up to the end of the prayer. "Lead us not into temptation," she prayed, "but deliver us some e-mail."
Have a great Sabbath, everyone.
Just received the following report from summer camp:
"Greetings from 150 plus happy and enthusiastic campers and staff. Weather is a bit warmer than normal, but cooler than much of the rest of the country. Injuries have been few and minor in nature -- scrapes, bruises and mosquito bites. Pictures of camp activities and campers can be found on the following web site: