Message from Carl McNair: 3/11/99
It has been a couple weeks since I reported to you. Since then I have been in Texas and
Louisiana. We had a three day Regional Pastor's conference at Mr. John Ogwyn's home in
Kilgore, Texas. The agenda included restructuring the Regions--now that Mr. Charles Bryce
has moved from Atlanta, Georgia to Toronto. Mr. Bryce is the Regional Director of Canada,
(there are no Regional Pastors in Canada) as reported earlier, and he will also be
Regional Pastor of the New England, and the mid-Atlantic states. Mr. Lambert Greer will
assume Tenn, South Carolina, and part of Alabama and Georgia in his region. Mr. John Ogwyn
will assume Florida and the Gulf coast into his region. Mr. Gerald Weston is Regional
Pastor of the Upper Mid-West states, including Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and
most of the Dakotas, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Mr. Doug Winnail is Regional Pastor of the
Western States.
As you can see, these are vast regions with brethren in widely scattered Churches and
Video Groups, but these men have accepted their assignments without complaint. Our Area
Pastors are in most cases also covering vast areas, with many small groups. This places a
great deal of responsibility on many Deacons and Elders. It will be very important that
each Area Pastor and Regional Pastor review each group to see that we are following proper
guide-lines and procedures, lest we use Church funds carelessly. The Church Administration
budget is approximately 50% of our income, and we must manage it carefully.
As you all know, we have really had a struggle pulling together all facets of the work--as
we began Living Church of God with no physical facilities and little cohesive structure,
yet we had a large administrative load to carry. We are very thankful for the challenge
(represented by about 75-80% of our former membership) because the support has made it
possible for us to acquire the facilities to re-structure and re-deploy our forces. And we
greatly appreciate your patience and cooperation. We believe that we have almost arrived,
but we still have much work to do to strengthen and enhance the work.
We are planning a conference of the ministry here in San Diego, CA for the Western region
and International ministers next May 3-5, followed by separate meetings for the
International ministry on the 6th and 7th. We plan an Eastern Regional Conference in
Louisville, Mississippi June 1-3.
We have had many people suffering from sickness and disease. Mr. Tony Smith of Tallahassee
Florida Church was operated on this week for a brain tumor. Initial reports have been
positive (as to the outcome of the surgery) and we all pray that he fully recovers. Mr.
Virgil Hudson of Hamilton, MT has learned that he has lymphoma--and needs your prayers
Brethren, we are clearly in the "end-time." All signs point to the prophesied
return of Jesus Christ. As we approach the Passover at the end of this month, I hope that
we can all remove the anger and resentments which cling to us like a filthy garment.
Regardless of the persecution from others, we must focus on the forgiveness of God through
Christ--and to receive forgiveness, we must forgive others. It is an imperative! There is
much hurt in the world, and we in God's Church have hurt and been hurt in the past. The
only way to be un-burdened of the past is to forgive and be forgiven. God loves each of
us--if we love one another.
Have a good Sabbath.