LIVING Church of God Newsletter
Jan 21, 1999
I hope everything is going well for you. Living Church of God settled into new offices this week, and we are working on the "bugs" in the various systems. The phones are fully operational now, and we hope to have the computer system fully functional soon. The phone numbers for the office are:
Voice: (619) 673-7470
Fax: (619) 673-0310
Many in Canada, in the eastern USA, and in the upper mid-west have had deep cold temperatures and lots of snow. In a number of locations Sabbath services had to be cancelled because of the inclement weather over the past few weeks.
I had a very enjoyable Sabbath last week with the Denver brethren. We especially enjoyed a vocal solo with inspiring words sung by Mrs. Scott Winnail who was visiting from Laramie, Wyoming. Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stahl took me to their ranch about an hour south and east of Denver and at 7,000 feet elevation where I spent the night. Sunday morning they drove me to visit Mrs. Kahle who lives another hour south-east of their ranch. Mrs. Kahle is extremely ill, and the entire family covet your prayers for her relief and healing.
Rod McNair reports from Manila, Philippines that the Work of God in the Philippines is moving ahead very well. Negative "information" from the United States has led one of our beloved employees in the office to resign his position. We are very sorry to lose him and his service as a fellow worker. We hope that he will join with us again one day.
The new group (never before associated with the WCG or other fellowships of Churches of God) in Tacloban, Leyte, is growing appreciably. And the spirit throughout the Philippines is good. There is still danger from "insurgents" or just plain thugs in some areas, but our brethren have been protected from harm. Mr. Salibad (for whom prayer was requested a week ago) is still in the hospital and continues to need your heartfelt prayers.
Jonathan McNair just returned from a very fruitful visit to Trinidad, Barbados, Guyana, and Jamaica. This visit was scheduled earlier, but was postponed because of demands in his local church areas during the recent disruption. The churches in all areas have remained nearly unanimously supportive throughout the Caribbean. The exception to nearly total support is Jamaica, but a significant number there are yet considering the issue.
Mr. Meredith has been working hard to complete a new booklet on MARRIAGE. He will be speaking to the Church here in San Diego tomorrow, and his sermon will be sent out in the near future. We are still working to build a supply of taped sermons, and hopefully a reserve, for distribution.
Mr. Richard Ames recorded a brief commentary to be posted on the internet web-site next week. He hopes that Mr. Meredith and he will be able to regularly record a brief message for posting on our web-page. Those of you who have INTERNET access might take a look/listen next week and let us know what you think.
I will host the weekly CHAT on the IRC chat next Sunday evening at 5:00 pacific time. Hope to see you "on the chat."