January 14, 1999
I hope that you are all well. We have had many areas in the Mid-West and Upper Mid-West which have been affected by adverse weather this month. The ice storms have been the worst, I suppose, but the deep snow has also made life difficult. I guess this is generally normal weather for this time of year. San Diego weather has been exceptionally nice. No ice, no snow, no sleet. Just fog and sunshine. Sure do miss those snowy mountains .
We are finally moving into the office this week. Some were able to begin working today, and others will move in tomorrow. It should help us to meet and interface with one another to be in closer physical contact.
The work of God in the INTERNATIONAL area continues to respond favorably. There some trials and tests continuing, but we are very thankful for the responsiveness of God's people around the world to Mr. Meredith's leadership, and to those who have served them in their countries.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryce have returned from Toronto, Canada. They had a remarkable amount of favor in getting necessary documentation to serve there. We are very thankful for that and that they were able to find a place to live very quickly. Mr. Ross Holmes has also completed his work closing the Abbottsford office and packing everything for shipment to Toronto. We are especially thankful for his willingness to serve the Church in this transitional period. His past experience has been of inestimable value to the Canadian Work.
Mr. Jonathan McNair has just completed a visit to the Caribbean islands of Trinidad, Barbados, and on to Guyana. I have not received his report (other than by phone during the trip) so will report on his trip next week.
Mr. Rod McNair reported that Mr. Roger Salibad of Baguio, Philippines was hospitalized this week. He has a painful tumor which has continued to grow. Please pray for God to relieve his pain, and for his healing. Rod also reports that Bhaw Mhu Htoo's family (in Thailand) are in contact with him and doing okay.
Finally, I will include a portion of Mr. Bruce Tyler's report of last week. Mr. Tyler and Mr. Ken MacLeod have labored indefatigably in Australia and South-East Asia. Their work has borne very good fruit.
Mr. Tyler wrote:
"There has been an inaccurate bit of information spread by some who are now in authority in GCG. I have seen one letter and I understand there is a second by another individual. The letter states that more than half of the members in Australia do not support Dr Meredith. The most recent figures I have to hand are as follows: of the total attendance of this past Feast of Tabernacles (not including visitors) 84% have indicated their loyalty to Dr Meredith; of all baptized members and prospective members who attended, the figure is 82%. And for interest sake, for the entire Australasian region, 94% have stayed with Dr Meredith."
We received this week a most encouraging and supportive letter from Say Lay Beh (written also on behalf of Thomas Tial Hoe). I think you will find it interesting and encouraging.
Dear Mr. Tyler,
Greetings from all of the Myanmar brethren.
Thank you very much for your letter of Sunday 29 November, 1998 with enclosures of copies of letters from our human leader, Dr. Meredith, Mr. C. McNair, Mr. Jonathan McNair, Dr. D. Winnail, and Mr. Don Haney. The same day I received your above letter at Myaung Post Office on Dec. 10, 1998, I received also a letter from GCG headquarters, signed by Mr .R. McNair, Mr L. Salyer, Mr. Pope and written and sent by Mr. Salyer to the entire ministry.
We are utterly unhappy and displeased with the actions taken by Mr. Salyer and his colleagues against Dr. Meredith. Whatsoever the case might be, we the Myanmar Karen brethren are unanimously on the side of Dr. Meredith whom God used powerfully to found the GCG at the critical time the WCG leadership apostatized.. I firmly believe that our Chin members under Mr. Thomas Tial Hoe will also unanimously be on the side of Dr. Meredith.
Please may I request you to keep me and Mr. Thomas Hoe informed of the progress made by Dr. Meredith in his new task of founding the continuation of the original Church of God during this critical time. What name will he give to the reformed Church of God. Please let me know.
Please let me know who will be under him at different levels of office. And could you please write to let me know when you will plan to come to Yangon.
Thanking you continually for every loving service you have generously done for us.
With deep thanks and high esteem.
Most sincerely, Saw Lay Beh
That is the end of Bruce's report, and the end of mine. Have a good Sabbath.